Not sure how long I’ll keep this going, but tonight I have some time to kill. So why not start doing this now and see where we end up.
As you’ve probably read in the site’s title I’m currently on my way to Japan. A trip I’ve been longing for for years since joining the anime community. And finally I get to do it!
When I got confirmation from work and the finances where there in March. I booked a flight from Brussels to Narita and back for as long as my vacation days allowed. With the help of some national Holidays it got quite lengthy. -thus a great adventure awaited me-
Time went by, days passed, volunteering got in the way, months passed and now I’m here sitting in a hotel room in Vienna conversing with my first stay, saying I’ll be a day late…
As you can guess I’m not happy with this situation. The pro procrastinator in me get the better off me. So the only extra preparation I have are sleeping locations, JR Pass and a preloaded Suica.
Which already made me kinda annoyed, next we had to bring my gran to the hospital yesterday. She’s fine now, but having that happen again in a short time isn’t good for my mental health. Dad’s pc broke down yesterday, so I had to make up an emergency solution as I’ll be away for nearly 4 weeks…
After preparing my bag, a trip to the airport. When we were there, BAM flight delayed, 40 minutes! I had 1 hour to get my connection in Vienna, turned to 20minutes now.
Trying to get some help from any kind of crew in Brussels they all told me my connection would be fine. Even the Austrian Support on FB and Twitter made sure I’d get it. … as you can guess I didn’t make it.
A staffmember was waiting for me at the border to inform me I had missed the connection and she’d escort me to the desk to rebook my flight. *yaaaay*
Got rebooked to the next day, with another connecting flight in Beijing. There I have 4 hours to go to the other gate. Let’s hope the delay in my flights is over now..
I got a hotel for the night and dinner at a local italian restaurant nearby.
Chicken broth with pancake stripes
Vol-au-vent without a coockie and meatbulls, but with rice instead.
Chocolate profiterolle with cream
And now, it’s time for bed. Going to travel to the airport really soon, so I can’t be late there…